A couple of weekends ago, Kris & Ine came over for a little visit. Kris & Ine are Belgian friends who live in Vancouver. They moved there a couple of months before we arrived in Canada. We've met them through Hans, a mutual friend.
We had a very nice time catching up on things and the funny thing was that they've experienced all the same things we've experienced adjusting to the 'Canadian way of life'. Banking, buying cars, insurances, buying a house, getting the mortgage, ...
The day after Kris & Ine left, a new batch of visitors entered our home. Maarten & Tina. It was so awesome to see these guys back!
Last weekend, the four of us went on a little road trip to Jasper. I took Friday off so we could enjoy 3 days of sight seeing. Finally I was able to photograph stuff that had been on my list for a couple of months/years. Jasper is such a nice area. Wildlife simply walks everywhere you look. It is crazy to see Caribou grazing around the outskirts of the town in the morning.
We also did the Banff upper hot springs on our way back. And after our little soak, we had a really nice meal at the Banff Grizzle House. Mmmmm too bad you come out of that place smelling like a smoked ham. :)
Sarah had to leave for work last Monday so that sucked bigtime. She's now somewhere in Swedish waters, near Oskarshamn. She dropped me an email and she said that Oskarshamn looks very beautiful, 'a lot of small colourful houses'.
Maarten & Tina were scheduled to leave this evening but thanks to the Icelandic Volcano Ash Cloud thing, they are kinda stranded here. The earliest flight M & T are able to catch is the one on Monday, the 26th. So they have to stay a week extra. Against all will. But I'm sure, deep inside, they don't mind. Everything is re-booked so fingers crossed...
I leave you with some pics from our road trip.