Saturday, April 23, 2011

Elmo, my 2nd level champ!

Last week we had another dressage show and as always Elmo did fantastic again! I was not sure if we were able to go to the show. It had snowed 15-20cm overnight (no spring here yet...) so the roads were in poor condition. Luckily my trainer Monty has connections everywhere and we got a thumbs up that the roads were bare and good to drive.
A lot of people didn't show up so the riding times were a bit rescheduled... I had only 5 minutes to warm up and I had to start my first test immediately. Our concentration was kind of lost in the first test but we had fun. 2nd test was better. We were 2nd in our first test and first in our 2nd test. And overall champion 2nd level! That means we had the best score in 2nd level of both shows.
So proud of my champion!