Today we went shopping for cars. Well, we knew what we wanted so we entered the Dodge dealership together with Chris and Nicole. Buying a car overhere is a LOT different then buying one in Belgium. We saw the salesperson, the head of sales, the financing guy, etc etc. Luckely, Chris was there to hassle a deal for us (he's the best with numbers) and he made a pretty good deal for us. (yes, Canadians do bargain for cars) So we almost bought a red Caliber SRT-4 today. The SRT-4 is the Caliber Sports model, full option, 285hp, turbo charged. We even got a fabulous test drive. Powerful car!!! Something else then my little Peugeot back home.
So now everything is in the dealerships hands. Hopefully our financing gets approved. We should give the guy a call tomorrow after 1pm.
On the other hand, we bought 2 iPhones today. So we both have new cell phone numbers.
Also we went to the registration office to swap our drivers licenses, but we have to go back tomorrow, because they need to see an official document (or documents) that state our new address. They want proof we live were we say we live (or something). Again very different then in Belgium. And we don't have to do any theoritical test or driving test!
Here are some pictures of our "basement appartment" ;)
O, and these are the flowers we recieved from Ann & Yves. Thanks a lot guys!!!
diene peugot paste toch beter bij u zenne ;)
Btw hoeveel was het voor een iphone en moest je meteen tekenen voor een abonnement? anders mag je er altijd enkele opsturen he ;)
looks great jonges! :)
en den otto: rij uzelf ni dood eh, remember, ge zijt een concervenblik da klinkt als e vliegtuig gewoon :p
Diene Dodge Caliber is super, en zeker voor die prijs!!
No problem voor die bloemen!
ps: T is handig moest je een app installeren dat we op facebook zien dat je een nieuwe post hebt geplaatst op je blog ;) (zoals mirror blog)
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