Thursday, July 23, 2009

A blanket of smoke

When I got out of the apartment this morning I noticed that the sun wasn't out. The first thing that went through my mind was 'Hey wasn't it supposed to be sunny today?'. When I looked at the sun I noticed she was behind a thick cloud. But then I noticed the colour of the cloud was reddish gray. I immediately made the connection with those wild fires in Kelowna, BC. I wasn't completely sure because these clouds were in the east and Kelowna is over the Rockies in the West.
I spent most of my morning – in between jobs at work of course – searching for a satellite picture that could confirm my suspicions. Turned out I was right!
The clouds have diminished now but the sun isn't at full strength yet. I think we will have a spectacular sunset tonight. I better go out tonight and find a good spot!

X marks the spot were Calgary is located.


Unknown said...

Amazing how far it spreads...

If green is smoke and white are clouds, what is the gooey whitish green stuff over Vancouver? :)

Oli4 said...

Those are big piles of squid about to invade Vancouver (I think, pretty sure)

Unknown said...

Mmmmmmm Squid... I'll get the Tzatziki! :)