I was happy to see that the whole house has been insulated! It's crazy how fast it all goes. So I asked my questions about some concerns I had but everything turned out to be normal. So nothing to worry about. The only thing we all saw (with all I mean: me, Tim remember he is the head of construction and a guy named Peter, who is the boss of all the trades men or something) is that the bottom of the windows are kind of 'bubbly'. It's like the foam that they have sprayed underneath the windows (to fill the holes) has expanded too much. This is of course an issue. Tim reassured me that it's not a huge issue but something that they need to fix before dry walling begins. The two windows downstairs have this problem. And all the big windows upstairs. Really weird.
On the outside the supports for the deck were in. And some trades men (and a women) were busy painting the trim. The dark gray really looks stunning!
The garage has been insulated and in the basement the supports for the walls were in too.
Tim told me that tomorrow all the siding is arriving on site and on Friday they start the siding process. The siders will work on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to get the job done. And then next week dry walling is scheduled to start! Whoopie
For a change I've tried to make 360 panoramas. Just click inside a movie and drag your pointer around. There are some mistakes in the panoramas but it's my first time doing this :)
I hope that this way everybody gets a better sense of the place!!!
BASEMENT (click and drag mouse)
MAIN FLOOR (click and drag mouse)
SECOND FLOOR (click and drag mouse)

1 comment:
Dag Ollivier en Saartje
Dikke proficiat met alles wat jullie al verwezenlijkt hebben op^zo korte tijd in Canada.
Het huis is fantastisch en het is fijn om alles te kunnen volgen via jullie blog.
Nonkel Piet en Tante Magda
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