First of all... SUMMER IS GONE in Calgary. For the last 2 days it's been cold (today's high was 11, yesterday it was a whooping 9)! It's been raining almost non stop. Close to 30L/m2, but anyway. It feels like fall in Belgium.
Last weekend Sarah was finally back for a few days! We went to an awesome Blink 182 concert (childhood heroes). And bought some very nice pots and pans.
Last Saturday, Sarah finally got the chance to see and feel the house. At first she wasn't too excited because she's is missing everything. But when she saw the house and went inside things changed! She was very pleased. :) She had that 'it feels so huge'-feeling too.
Anyway let's talk some more about the progress. Progress is steady. The rough-in is almost complete. Gas lines are in, water mains are all in, heating is in. And today I had the feeling the electricity is almost done as well. The one thing I noticed is that we have a lot of pot lights! Yeaaaaah that's a good thing! This way we keep cleaner lines along the ceilings and stuff. On the outside we have pot lights in front of the garage, and in front of the front door. Inside, a lot of pot lights too. Kitchen, hallway, living room, stairway. On the second floor we have 3 of them in the hallway. Really neat.

So when the weather finally clears, the sidings will go on. That will be exciting to see. Because when that's finished, the house will look really like a house instead of a wooden box. :) At the same time the insulation will go in too.
There is one small issue with the way one water main is running through the basement. I'm pretty sure that it is temporary hooked up. But we will have a walk through once the rough-in is completely done. I will address the issue with the foreman. This needs to be fixed. I'm sure they'll do that.

Is that heavy rain not bad for the wood?
bwaaahh, nie echt. De moment da het stop met regenen en de zon komt erdoor, is het hier ongeveer een woestijn. Alles droogt hier op een paar uur uit.
Een gewone zomerbui hier, en na 15 minuten zijn alle wegen hier terug droog. Is echt raar
Amai Oli4, zo'n groot huis, ge zult mogen kweken om dat te vullen!! :-))
Wie ist er hier den kweeker eh?!
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