What is going on, on the Canadian front? Well still not much to tell really.
I finally got my first, and positive reaction on my resume! So I guess things are looking beter but that doesn't mean I have a job already. I'm still sending resumes at an average pace of 3-5 every few days. Getting a job is harder than I thought. Friends of Chris told me that it's not so much the things that you can do that count, it's the people you know that is important. Hmmmm since I don't know other people besides Chris and Nicole and their friends, I guess I have to rely on them to get me the contacts I need. Anyway, I'll keep you guys posted.
On the other hand, that gives me a lot of spare time on my hands. And guess how I'm killing THAT?! Ofcourse by taking pictures.
Last week I got up at 04.30 (yes in the morning!) and went to the Vermillion Lakes around Banff. It was a beautiful but freaking coooold sunrise! I endured -30˚C just to get some shots I've wanted a few years to make. It was all worth it.

Then I drove to Castle Mountain. I wanted to see what early morning sunlight would do with this mountain. Again, I waited 2 years to do this!

Yesterday I made a new phototrip. This time in uncharted territory. Kananaskis Country. Well we've been to Kananaskis before but not on highway 40. So I left the house around 01.00PM (in the afternoon for you European guys) and went out on a discovery trip. I saw a lot of nice things (my first coyote for example). But a lot of nice landscapes were completely unreachable thanks to the thick snow. I endured wet feet, often I would stand to over my knees in snow, and massive winds (imagine beeing sand blasted by snow particles!). It wasn't fun. But then again, when the sun setted, it all payed off!!!

Wow voor zulke foto's zou ik toch ook wel wat kou afzien,ze zijn echt de moeite waard en dan denk je niet aan natte en koude voeten hé goed gedaan Olli
dikke kus
Inderdaad, fantastische foto's!! Hopelijk is het er in de zomer even adembenemend. Eind augustus/ begin september kom ik het zelf inspecteren. alle tips van dingen die we moeten gezien hebben zijn natuurlijk welkom:-)
breathtaking beste ollie
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