A few weeks ago we went to the Bay of Fundy, home to the world’s highest tides. (50 feet in height, that’s approximately 15m) We left early in the morning and we drove to Truro to see the tidal bore. But we forgot about one pretty important detail… They bay is frozen… So we didn’t see any tidal bore, we just saw a huge ice mass moving slowly.
In the afternoon we saw the effects of the vertical low tide. Fishing boats sat high and dry on the ground. At high tide, the same boats are floating alongside the top of the wharf.
A frozen Bay of Fundy
Last weekend we drove to Cape Breton Island. We took a drive on the Cabot Trail. The Cabot Trail, named one of the best road trips in the world by Lonely Planet, is a trail that winds through stunning landscapes, along the Margaree River, a Canadian Heritage Salmon River, and through spectacular rugged highlands of the Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada. The best season to visit is in fall because of the autumn colors. The trail is nice but I prefer the Icefields Parkway ;) We also saw a lot of wildlife last weekend. The deer are becoming suicidal… One almost hit the side of my car and they love to give you the creeps with suddenly jumping onto the road… We also saw a coyote and a seal. But unfortunately no moose.
And during the week I work (oh yeah sometimes I also work) I am here for almost 8 weeks. We finished dredging and are ready for the drill and blast. We encountered a few rock spots while dredging the trench so now we are going to blast them. Hopefully we will be finished within 3 weeks and then I return back to Calgary. (finally!)
welk beest zat er bijna op uwen auto?versta veel van wat je schrijft maar hier en daar mis ik wat misschien kun je eens iets vertalen.Het moet daar zeer prachtig zijn aan de foto's te zien,oh en 3 weekjes zijn vlug voorbij en dan kun je Calgary verkennen
dikke knuffel
The photo with the lighthouse in the background, was that taken at the harbour in Parrsboro? It looks that way to me.
shsch, part-time Parrsboronian
Yes, that's right, it's in Parrsboro!
@ moeke: een deer is een hert. Een moose is een eland, een seal een zeehond en een coyote een kleine wolf. Nog vertalingen nodig? ;)
Saartje je hebt talent om kiekjes te schieten.Hopen dat alles gunstig verloopt op het werk.Zullen eens Skypen (rekenig houden met het uurverschil).Bye d&ch
Dat begint hier al goed.
3maand weg en al 1maand geen nieuws meer ;)
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