So I returned to Calgary on the 8th of april. I’m home until the end of may, then I return back to Nova Scotia for 2 months. And in September I’m going to work in Mexico! So I have some good prospects!
Last Friday I went horseback riding with Ilse. Ilse is a friend of Martine (my Belgian horseback riding teacher) Ilse lives on the countryside, about 40 minutes from Calgary, and has 7 beautiful horses. I had the honor to ride with Boo(delicious), her daughter’s eventing horse. It was soooo nice to sit on the back of a horse again, after 3 months of “absence”. We went for a trail ride but there was still a lot of snow in the woods. At some places the horses were knee high in the snow. But I enjoyed it a lot! Next week we go for another ride!
This weekend I also go to the Mane Event in Red Deer. The mane event is comparable with the Horse Event in Deurne. 5 arenas with lots of different clinics so that will be fun!
Another interesting fact about Calgary. Yesterday it was 22 degrees. Today it’s -4 and snowing… It started snowing this afternoon and it’s still snowing. Spring in Canada, you never know what ya gonna get…

Oh! Ikke jaloers!
Eergisteren nog eens naar de uwe gaan kijken, geloof mij of niet maar ze zijn nog nooit zo mager geweest...(je was niet thuis Ann, wel schoon geverfde deur!)
Volgens mij kregen die beesten van jou boulemie door de stress ofzo...
Ik veronderstel dat je dus in mei nog niet terugkomt?
De mijne mager?? Je was zeker nog niet goed wakker :p Heb ze 2 weken geleden via de webcam gezien en ik zag 3 ballonnen!
Nee, ik kom niet terug in mei. Werk op de Thorntonbank is zo goed als gedaan.
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