Saturday, January 31, 2009

Moving company vs. Canadian Customs

Yesterday I went to Williams Moving & Storage Ltd to see if our stuff was in good hands. I mailed Williams this week and I got a positive reply back from a very nice lady called Dorothy. So yesterday I went up there to collect some paperwork. Dorothy was very helpfull. She gave me a document that I had to give to Customs. So I went to Customs. Everything went ok too overthere and I got the necesary stamps that our shipment was A-OK. So with that stamped form I went back to Williams et voila, everything was ready to deliver. Williams will deliver our shipment on Tuesday. I hope we can pull the boxes of the palets cause our sidewalk is fully covered with snow. So I think we will need to move the 17 boxes inside by hand (again).
I do hope that everything has made it in one piece. But more on that later.
So yesterday I took the new car out for a spin. Since we are in the SW district and Williams was in the NE, I had some 35min of playing time to do on the highway. Good lord does this car have power!!! It so much fun to drive with. You have instant power whenever you need it. Nicole by the way, decided that I should name the car. Well she did it for me, cause I couldn't make up a name. She named the car 'Ginger'. Well if you think about it, that is an appropriate name for a furious red head :))) So from now on, the car is called Ginger and that means she's a girl (again).
So Sarah is still on the East coast of Canada for work. Everything is fine, long days, beautiful place. She promised to send some pictures over and when she does, I'll post'em up here. (or she can do an update by her self) *hint*


hans temmerman. said...

furious redhead? 'k heb er ook zo een hier zitten =)
alleen rijdt die zo snel niet!
beestig wagentje seg!
now don't you start speeding my friend. (oe zit da daar met toegestane snelheden, boetes enzo?)

Ouderen in Beeld! said...

Hey Oli & Saartje,

Alles goed daar in Canada...
Hier alles kits, zijn gewone gangetje!
Ik moet iets zeggen, ge zijt mss wel naar Canada vertrokken en ze spreken daar allemaal engels maar uwen blog zou toch in 't nederlands mogen ;-) Da leest makkelijker... :-)

Tot hoors en doet daar nog goed he!

Saartje said...

Mijn moeder heeft al verschillende keren dezelfde opmerking gegeven...

Oli4 said...

Da was Saartje haar idee om int engels te schrijven. Don't blame this on me.
@ Hans: wel toegestane snelheden zijn 30, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 en soms 110. En dat is het. Probleem is dat de auto altijd vraagt om gereden te worden. Dus je moet echt opletten. Want als je es duwt zit je voor da ge het weet boven de limit. En boetes weet ik niet vanbuiten alleen zijn de rijbewijzen hier met punten. Punten op dada rijbewijs. Je start met 15 punten. Dikke knuffel maat!!!

Unknown said...

hoy, alles ok daar ? Den draai al goed gevonden zeker . Zeg nen dikke proficiat met de aankoop van jullie rode madam genaamd GINGER ... de man hier in huis zou ook wel zo een madam willen met al die kracht onder de kap hé .Nog veel succes met alles wat jullie daar doen en tot een dees... Groetjes van ons allen ANN, KRIS,SHARON EN SHIRLEY said...

Meer boetes op komst dan met de 206 Oli ? :)
Enjoy the SRT power!

We're comming your way, alléé een beetje toch. NYC on 13/02 till 17/02.

